modding moto
One of the most popular things to do with a cell phone nowadays is to modify its original features. Members of the Motorola community have come up with many different ways to change the features and settings on the Razr v3m. Changing the outside LCD display from the default orange color to finding free wireless proxies via your cell phone's connection are just some of the ways you can increase use on your cell phone.
First and foremost, be aware that by modding your Razr, you are voiding any warranty you have through Motorola and your cell phone provider. While most hacks can be reversed without anybody knowing, you can do significant damage to your cell phone's firmware by making modifications. Even though these are tried and tested, it does not mean they always go smoothly when reprogramming your phone, and you should be aware of the consequences before you begin modding your cell phone or any other hardware device.
Source : carpesomediem